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Z, Javadi
A, Haj Seyed Javadi
E, Naji
A. An intra-uterine missed abortion with a simultaneous tubal ectopic pregnancy. J Inflamm Dis. 2005;8(4):e155105.
Abstract A case of heterotopic pregnancy is reported. This case was a 25 years old woman with a chief complain of vaginal bleeding which was spotting in following pregnancy after using clomiphene. An ultra-sonography report showed a missed abortion about 8 weeks of gestation. After a few days, she returned with an acute abdomen. A tubal pregnancy with a missed abortion was suggested as a differential diagnosis. Laparatomy and D;C were performed. Pathologic report also confirmed simultaneous intra-uterine and extra-uterine pregnancy within recent years. The use of reproductive technology and ovulation stimulation has increased the prevalence of this type of rare pregnancy. Thus, heterotopic pregnancy should be considered in the presence of ectopic pregnancy signs and symptoms even if a normal intra-uterine pregnancy was confirmed.
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