The inhibitory effect of fasting on lipid peroxidation A protective role on cardiovascular system


avatar S Asgary , * , avatar A Aghaei , avatar GH Naderi , avatar SH Azali

how to cite: Asgary S, Aghaei A, Naderi G, Azali S. The inhibitory effect of fasting on lipid peroxidation A protective role on cardiovascular system. J Inflamm Dis. 2005;9(1):e155108. 


Abstract Background: Fasting (avoiding to eat or drink between sunrise and sunset) in the holy month of Ramadan is one of the religious duties in Islam. It seems that the level of some blood components changes during this month. Objective: To determine the effect of fasting on the level of lipid peroxidation and fasting blood sugar. Methods: Fifty healthy 30-60 year old men intending to fast during the holy month of Ramadan were included in the study. The plasma levels of MDA, CDs, serum level of triglycerides (TG), cholesterol and fasting blood sugar (FBS) were measured a day before, and on the last day of the fasting month. MDA and CDs were measured using spectrophotometric procedure. Triglycerides, cholestrol and FBS were enzymatically measured using an ELAN autoanalyzer system. The Student’s t-test was used to compare pre-and post-Ramadan values. Findings: The results were indicative of a significant decrease in the levels of MDA, TG and cholestrol during Ramadan (p0.05). The levels of CDs were not changed significantly. Conclusion: Based on our data and the significant reduction of MDA level during Ramadan and also considering the important role of LDL-oxidation in the production of atherosclerotic plaques, it seems that the one-month period of fasting may have preventive effects on development of atherosclerosis.