The evaluation of disability in differently-involved joints among patients with osteoarthritis


avatar M Shakibi , * , avatar M Ramezani , avatar J Atapour , avatar KH Alavi

How To Cite Shakibi M, Ramezani M, Atapour J, Alavi K. The evaluation of disability in differently-involved joints among patients with osteoarthritis. J Inflamm Dis. 2005;9(1):e155110. 


Abstract Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is characterized by progressive erosion of articular cartilage and the bone growth on joint's margins. It is an important cause of long term health problems and the most frequently reported reason for long lasting disability. Objective: To evaluate the pain and the disability in patients with OA and also comparing of these parameters in different joints of upper and lower extremities. Methods: In the present cross-sectional study, 200 patients with OA were diagnosed by a rheumatologist using standard criteria. The severity of disability was evaluated using the clinical Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ). Findings: Disability index was statistically different in diverse joint groups and OA of upper and lower limbs both with lower indices. However, no difference in occurrence of disability was found when the sexuality, educational and marital statuses were compared. There was consistently significant difference between age average and the presence of disability in different groups of joints. The age and the disability index showed a statically significant positive correlation (Pearson r = 0.17, P= 0.01). Multiple variables (ANOVA) test also was indicative of a significant difference in disability of different joint groups when the age was regarded as a predisposing cofactor. Conclusion: Multiple joints involvement is considered as a risk factor for disability in OA patients which increases by ageing.