Risk factors of diabetic retinopathy in patients referred to Bouali eye center


avatar M Mazarei , *

How To Cite? Mazarei M. Risk factors of diabetic retinopathy in patients referred to Bouali eye center. J Inflamm Dis. 2005;9(3):e155141. 


Abstract Background: Diabetes mellitus has several ophthalmic complications among those the retinal complication is considered to be the main cause of poor sight or loss of vision. Objective: To evaluate and determine the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and also the factors influencing the progression of disease. Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted at Bouali medical center (Qazvin) in a period between the years 2000-2001 in which 188 eyes from 94 patients with type one and type two diabetes were selected for the study. The patients underwent complete eye examination including indirect, three mirrors contact lens and +90 funduscopy lens. The results of examinations and the risk factors were recorded in an information form. The data were analyzed using t-test, X2 and odd's ratio. Findings: Among the patients (57 females and 37 males) 24 had type 1 (juvenile type) and 70 had type 2 diabetes (adult type). Nineteen male patients (51.4%) and 30 female patients (52.6%) had diabetic retinopathy (OR= 0.95). The mean age of the cases with retinopathy was 62.0814.17 years and for those without retinopathy 47.3112.9 years. The mean duration of diabetes with retinopathy was 109.27 months whereas in those without retinopathy it was 53. 96 months (P=0.0001). The mean preprandial blood glucose concentrations in the first and second groups were 280.43 and 156.84 mg/dl, respectively. Retinopathy change was found in 49 patients (51.1%) in whom 65.3% showed non proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) and 34.7% with a proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Conclusion: Prolong Diabetes, age and hyperglycemia are the main causes of retinopathy. So the cooperation of internist in referring diabetic patients to ophthalmologists is recommended.