The accuracy of intraoperative cytology of breast lesions


avatar S Samani , *

How To Cite Samani S. The accuracy of intraoperative cytology of breast lesions. J Inflamm Dis. 2005;9(3):e155151. 


Abstract Background: Intra operative cytology is a rapid, cheap, nonaggressive and valuable method for diagnosis of breast lesions. Objective: To assess the diagnostic accuracy of intra operative cytology of breast lesions. Methods: This prospective study was carried out on 70 specimens referred to pathology lab in Shahid Rajaie hospital. Findings: Out of total specimens, 37 were benign, 4 diagnosed as suspected malignancy associated with hypercellularity and moderate cell atypia, 29 malignant, 3 misdiagnosed due to hypercellularity and absence of cellular atypia. All 4 inflammatory lesions were diagnosed correctly. Diagnostic accuracy of benign, malignant and inflammatory lesions was 90%, 90% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: Intra operative cytology is a rapid, cheap and valuable method in evaluating the entire margin of a tumoral mass and with good results in maintaining the physical appearance (cosmetic). It also helps for a better management of breast lesions