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F, Hajmanochehri
F, Javadi
A, Bayat
N. Helicobacter pylori infection and hyperemesis gravidarum. J Inflamm Dis. 2006;9(4):e155170.
¯Abstract Background: Hyperemesis gravidarum is one of the pregnancy complications which leads to decreased efficiency of pregnant women. Objective: To examine a hypothesis indicative of the presence of an association between hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) and Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. Methods: This work was a case control study carried out on 35 pregnant women with HG (study group) and 35 asymptomatic pregnant women (control group) admitted to Kosar hospital, Qazvin, Iran in a six-month period between 2003-2004. Serum specific IgG for HP was assayed on the sera of both study a control groups after formal agreement was made. Data were analysed statistically using Chi-square and student t tests. Findings: Serologically positive HP infection was detected in 23 out of 35 patients with HG (%65.7) whereas in control group, only 7 out of 35 asymptomatic gravidas (%20) were found to have positive antibody titers against HP. The ratio of HP positivity in pregnant women with HG was significantly higher than asymtomatic group (P<0.004). The mean index percentages of IgG titers in study and control groups were 27± 30 and 10 ±13, respectively. Conclusion: HP infection seemed to be significantly associated with HG in pregnant population with hyperemesis gravidarum investigated in our study.
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