Diagnosis of preeclampsia using urinary protein/creatinine ratio


avatar F Movahed , * , avatar F hayati

How To Cite Movahed F, hayati F. Diagnosis of preeclampsia using urinary protein/creatinine ratio. J Inflamm Dis. 2006;10(3):e155234. 


Background: Proteinuria is the most important factor in dignosis and management of preeclamptic patients. The use of a method providing rapid diagnosis of preeclampsia is of prime importance and critical to immediate treatment. Objective: To measure the protein content of a 24-hour urine samples by determining protein/creatinine ratio in a random urine sample obtained from a pregnant women suspected of preeclampsia. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in Kosar hospital, Qazvin, Iran, during 2003-2004. The subjects were 50 pregnant women with gestationl age³ 20 weeks and blood pressure³140/90. Following admission, the protein content of a 24-hour urine sample was measured and later, a random urine sample collected for determination of protein/creatinine ratio. Correlation coefficient between 24-hour proteinuria and protein/creatinine ratio was further calculated. Findings: Among 50 pregnant women, 12 cases had a proteinuria>300mg/day and 38 with proteinuria<300mg/day. Regarding the results of our study, a protein/creatinine ratio of £0.25 was compatible with 24-hour proteinuria0.25 with 24-hour proteinuria>300mg (r=0/99, p300mg/24h).