The effect of ascorbic acid on morphine withdrawal syndrome signs in rats
¯Abstract Background: Recent studies indicate that the glutamatergic and dopaminergic systems are also involved in morphine withdrawal syndrome. Ascorbic acid (AA) released from glutamatergic neurons, modulates the synaptic action of dopamine and glutamate as well as behavior. Objective: To determine the effects of ascorbic acid on morphine withdrawal syndrome signs (MWS). Methods: 30 Male rats (250-300gr) were tested in 5 groups as: 1) control group (n=6) received 3% sucrose in tap water 2) dependent group received morphine (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4mg/ml for a period of 48h, and 0.4mg/ml for further days up to 21st day) and 3% sucrose in tap water 3,4,5) morphine-AA groups which received morphine and AA (100, 500, 1000mg/kg IP, every 48h) for evaluating the effects of AA on MWS. At the end of training period, all groups received naloxone (2mg/kg IP) and MWS were studied for 30 minute. Findings: Our results showed that IP application of AA (100, 500, 1000 mg/kg) can remarkably attenuate many signs (but not all) of morphine withdrawal syndrome, dose dependently. Conclusion: Based on data obtained in present study, AA can attenuate the expression of withdrawal behaviors in rats.
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