A survey on knowledge and skills of self-care among discharged patients in cast


avatar A Ghorbani , * , avatar A yoosef Gomrokchi , avatar N Hoseinbeigy , avatar N Nasri

How To Cite Ghorbani A, yoosef Gomrokchi A, Hoseinbeigy N, Nasri N. A survey on knowledge and skills of self-care among discharged patients in cast. J Inflamm Dis. 2007;10(4):e155272. 


¯Abstract This study was carried out to determine the knowledge and skills of self-care among discharged patient in cast. Sixty discharged patients participated in the survey by completing a questionnaire while their performance was observed. The results indicated that the level of knowledge and skills in subjects were ranked as moderate (50%) and lower than of what was expected. It is suggested that patients in plaster to be trained by health care workers (nurses) before discharge