Home drug store in Minodar region of Qazvin (2006)


avatar M NassiriAsl , *

How To Cite NassiriAsl M. Home drug store in Minodar region of Qazvin (2006). J Inflamm Dis. 2007;11(2):e155297. 


Abstract Background: Self-medication, consumption of expired drugs and storage of medicines in unsuitable conditions causes both loss of scarce resources and health hazards. Objective: To determine the amount of home drug storage and the reasons for such attitude. Methods: This was a descriptive study conducted on 85 families in Minodar region of Qazvin (Iran) in 2006. Drugs were clustered based on OTCs, clinical application, expiration date, and storage conditions. Findings: Drug storage with no usage was seen in 82.4% out of 85 families. The frequency for distribution of the prescribed drugs was 73.1% (tablets), 98% (capsules), 75.5% (ointments), 83.1% (drops), 54% (syrups), 25% (suppositories), and 100% (ampoules). The majority of expired drugs in every single family were related to gastrointestinal drugs. Storage conditions were found to be different from one family to another, irrespective of the manufacturer’s instruction. Conclusion: Regarding the volume of home drug storage and the quality by which the drugs are stored, increasing the public’s general knowledge on drug application and storage conditions to prevent therapeutic failure and also lowering the adverse effect is necessary.