Assessment of students' research proposals and reports in Qazvin UMS


avatar M Javaheri , * , avatar M Mashatan , avatar M Rafati

how to cite: Javaheri M, Mashatan M, Rafati M. Assessment of students' research proposals and reports in Qazvin UMS. J Inflamm Dis. 2007;11(3):e155349. 


Abstract Through a checklist 68 proposals and 28 reports of students' researches submitted to student research committee of QUMS (from 2004 to 2006) were assessed. Most of the researchers (48.5%) were medical students. Most of the teachers (72.1%) were from Faculty of Medicine of these 17.6% were pharmacologist and 11.8% anatomist. Most of the researches (35.5%) were experimental studies. Only 13.2% of their results were published in journals or seminars. The most weakness of the proposals were in "sampling" and "objectives and hypothesis". The weakness of the reports was evident in "abstract". It seems that teachers must advise their students in writing proposals and reports more than before.