شیوع پروتئینوری در کودکان 6 تا 12 ساله مدارس ابتدایی قزوین (1381)


avatar A Dalirani , * , avatar SGh Ghoreishi , avatar MM Daneshi , avatar Sh Laghaie , avatar M Akhtari Baghan , avatar M Heydarnezhad

how to cite: Dalirani A, Ghoreishi S, Daneshi M, Laghaie S, Akhtari Baghan M, et al. شیوع پروتئینوری در کودکان 6 تا 12 ساله مدارس ابتدایی قزوین (1381). J Inflamm Dis. 2008;12(2):e155398. 


Abstract A total number of 659 school children (6-12 years-old) selected primarily in cluster and later by stratified random samplings were studied for proteinuria in Qazvin during 2002. Initially, the morning urine samples were qualitatively analyzed using dipstick test followed by sulfosalicylic acid method, quantitatively. After 6 months, the positive cases were followed up for urine proteine/creatinine ratio. The prevalence of proteinuria was found to be 1.8% among the population study with boys twice as common as in females. Symptomatic renal disease was shown to have a prevalence of 1.5 per 1000 children.