Surgical treatment of choledochal cyst


avatar H Parsa , * , avatar L Hajimaghsoudi , avatar HR Alizadeh 1

Resident of general surgery, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran

How To Cite Parsa H, Hajimaghsoudi L, Alizadeh H. Surgical treatment of choledochal cyst. J Inflamm Dis. 2009;12(4):e155443. 


Background: Choledochal cysts are congenital cystic dilatation of the extrahepatic and / or intrahepatic billiary tree. Treatment of choice is surgery which varies according to the type of choledochal cysts. The present case was a woman with abdominal pain, jaundice, nausea, vomiting and pruritus, underwent surgery at Shahid Rajai Hospital in Qazvin. Intraoperative finding was choledochal cyst (Type V). The extrahepatic cysts were excised and Roux- en-y hepaticojejunostomy, end to side jejunojejunostomy and cholecystectomy was performed which was accompanying with a good response.