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F, Hasanpour
R. Dental caries-associated clinical parameters in first permanent molars of children between 7-11 years old. J Inflamm Dis. 2009;13(3):e155489.
Background: Considering the crucial role of the first permanent molar on chewing and the establishment of eating as well as preservation of vertical height and face appearance, the prevention and timely diagnosis of decay is of prime importance.
Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the clinical parameters associated with dental caries in first permanent molars of children between 7-11 years old.
Methods: The present work was a cross-sectional analytical study carried out on 100 children referred to Department of Pediatric Dentistry at Qazvin School of Dentistry in 2007. Following clinical examinations, the plaque index indicators, visible plaque over the surface of occlusal for the first permanent molar, dmft, DMFT, and the white spot as well as the decay of the first permanent molar were recorded. In addition, a questionnaire including personal information, nutritional habits and the child’s mouth health was completed by their parents.
Findings: Based on our data, there was a relationship between the occlusal decay of the first permanent molar tooth and the indices including the dmft, DMFT, and consumption of sugar rich refreshments more than twice a day was found to be statistically significant with p values of 0.022, 0.0002, and 0.026, respectively.
Conclusion: Considering the high dmft, DMFT, visible plaque over the occlusal surface of the first permanent molar tooth, irregular tooth brushing as well as consumption of high sugar content refreshments more than twice a day that increases the risk of decay in first permanent molar tooth, more careful and scrupulous clinical examinations are recommended.
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