Pattern of physical activity and the promoters among adolescent girls of Isfahan


avatar A Kazemi 1 , * , avatar H Eftekhar Ardabili 2 , avatar N Nekueii Zahraei 3

Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Ph.D Student of Reproductive Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

How To Cite? Kazemi A, Eftekhar Ardabili H, Nekueii Zahraei N. Pattern of physical activity and the promoters among adolescent girls of Isfahan. J Inflamm Dis. 2011;15(1):e155581. 


Background: Technology development has brought about the society with a sedentary life style and an increase in number of chronic diseases. Therefore, to change the pattern of physical activity in adolescents, the recognition of factors affecting such activities is of crucial importance. Objective: The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between the pattern of physical activity in adolescent girls and their mothers’ physical activities, attitudes, and some demographic characteristics. Methods: This cross-sectional stud was carried out on adolescents 226 girls aged 11-18 years in 2010. The study population was chosen using a cluster sampling method. Data were collected using a questionnaire of three sections including demographic data, adolescent’s physical activity pattern, and attitude and pattern of physical activity in mother. Data were analyzed using chi-square test and Pearson correlation coefficient. Findings: Of 226 girls, 50% found to have 2.07 hours of moderate to strong physical activity while 26.5% with a sedentary life style. A significant relationship between the adolescents’ physical activity pattern and the mother’s physical activity and regular exercise was demonstrated (p<0.005). Also, there was a significant relationship between the adolescents’ regular exercise and the mothers’ exercise. Statistically, a significant correlation between the mothers’ attitude and educational degree and the level of physical activity was shown. Conclusion: According to our results, a sedentary life style among female adolescents is higher than expected which is associated with mother’s pattern of physical activity and affected by the attitude and educational level of mothers. Therefore, it is recommended that part of the educational programs to increase the level of daily physical activity in adolescent girls to be focused on mothers.