Study of noise pollution in Qazvin (2010)


avatar MM Emamjomeh 1 , avatar A Nikpay 2 , * , avatar A Safari Variani 2

Qazvin Research Center for Social Determinants of Health, Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran
Qazvin University of Medical Sciences, Qazvin, Iran

How To Cite? Emamjomeh M, Nikpay A, Safari Variani A. Study of noise pollution in Qazvin (2010). J Inflamm Dis. 2011;15(1):e155584. 


Background: Noise pollution is considered one of the major environmental problems of cities that its intensity has increased in recent years. Considering the harmful effects of noise pollution on public health, equivalent sound level evaluation and determination of noise pollution is very important in the urban environment. Objective: To determine the amount of noise pollution in different regions in Qazvin. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in the summer of 1389 in Qazvin. Sound pressure levels were measured by the sound system gauge model 1053 H. The site map of the city was prepared. Based on the site map prepared, firstly, the city of Qazvin was divided into three regions including South, Central, and North areas. Secondly, the levels of sound pressure were measured in the main streets, intersections, and squares of the city according to the ISO 1999 method that approved by the Environmental Protection Organization. Findings: Equivalent sound level was reported in various places in Qazvin region, between 69.9- 72.8 db. Equivalent sound level in the middle and southern regions of the city, has been reported that about twice the northern city. In 90% of the total period of measurement, review of Ninetieth percentile sound level showed that sound pressure level was more than results of the limit recommended for residential and commercial areas. Conclusion: The values of equivalent sound level are reported higher than EPA standards for residential (50 dB) and commercial areas (65 dB). Patterns of urban reform in Qazvin city have a slower development than the resource causing of noise pollution.