Association of Emotional Intelligence and communication skills with patients in nurses


avatar L Mafi , * , avatar S Asefzadeh

How To Cite Mafi L, Asefzadeh S. Association of Emotional Intelligence and communication skills with patients in nurses. J Inflamm Dis. 2014;18(3):e155839. 


  Background: Emotional Intelligence is important in the success of people in healthcare organizations. Nurses who have higher E motional I ntelligence can improve the quality of care and increase satisfaction with proper communication with patients .   Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the a ssociation of emotional intelligence and communication skills with patients in nurses .   Methods: This analytical study was conducted in 80 male and female nurses that were selected by quota sampling method from selected hospitals in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences . The measurement tools were Emotional I ntelligence and communication skills questionnaire s. Data were analyzed using T -test, ANOVA and Pearson ’s correlation coefficient .   Findings: There was a positive significant correlation between emotional intelligence and communication skills (P< 0.001 , r= 0.705 ). The associations of the demographic differences ( gender , age, work experience, education level and type of employment ) with emotional intelligence and communication skills were not statistically significant .   Conclusion: With regards to the results, i t is suggested to consider the emotional intelligence training in hospitals . Since increasing E motional I ntelligence is an effective way to improve communication skills of nurses and therefore improve the quality of nursing care.