Investigation of the effective factors on musculoskeletal disorders and its consequents in Qazvin woman hairdressers in 2016


avatar Samira Ansari , avatar Tina Bakhtiari , avatar sakineh Varmazyar ORCID , * , avatar Z Norozpoor , avatar F Hadipoor

how to cite: Ansari S, Bakhtiari T, Varmazyar S, Norozpoor Z, Hadipoor F. Investigation of the effective factors on musculoskeletal disorders and its consequents in Qazvin woman hairdressers in 2016. J Inflamm Dis. 2017;21(5):e156050. 


Background: The hairdressers are exposed to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) due to repetitive movements in awkward postures. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effective factors on MSDS prevalence and its consequents in hairdressers. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study has done in 2016. One hundred fifty three subjects of female hairdressers were recruited for the census in Qazvin. Rapid entire body assessment (REBA) method used to ergonomics risk assessment (by Nexgenergo software) and two questionnaires Nordic and work ability index (WAI) were used to investigate MSDS prevalence and work ability respectively. Data were analyzed using single and multivariate logistic regression. Findings: The prevalence of MSDs was reported 116 (75.8%) among the study subjects. Weight is an individual factor that increases the prevalence of MSDs to 17 times alone and in combination with other risk factors, increases the absence from the work and refer to doctors to 3.6 and to 36 times respectively. Individuals with good ability have 4 times more exposed to MSDs compared to individuals with excellent ability. Individuals with weak ability have more absence from the work and refer to the doctor compared to people with excellent ability (18 and 8 times respectively). Conclusion: Weight loss, reducing work times, improve the work ability can cause decrease the MSDs, absence from the work and refer to doctor in female hairdressers.