Investigating the Existence of Multiple Ulcers in the Small Intestine Similar to the Crohn Disease: A Case Report
Small bowel may be caused by several factors. In most cases, bleeding and intermittent small bowel obstruction are common. This report describes a case complaining of severe abdominal pain. The patient stated the history of taking ibuprofen over the last 18 months. She experienced severe weight loss but the results of diagnostic tests were normal. Finally, the patient underwent exploratory laparotomy. According to intraoperative investigations, treatment for Crohn's disease was started for the patient. However, due to the lack of remission of the disease, the patient underwent laparotomy again and 70 cm of the affected parts were resected. Histological studies indicated that possible cause of this disease was the use of NSAIDS, which is consistent with the patient's statement. It should be kept in mind that the symptoms of Crohn's disease and bowel ulcers caused by NSAIDs may overlap in some cases.
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