Collaborative Care Model effect on Multiple Sclerosis(MS) patients' lifestyle


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How To Cite Collaborative Care Model effect on Multiple Sclerosis(MS) patients' lifestyle. Jundishapur J Chronic Dis Care. 2013;2(3): 47-56. 


Introduction: Multiple sclerosis is one of the lifestyle-altering diseases that cause frequently progressive disabilities. The objective of this study was to evaluate Collaborative care model effect on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients' lifestyle.
Materials & Methods: In this clinical-trial study, 80 patients with multiple sclerosis which having the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to case and control groups by block randomization method. The questionnaire of lifestyle of patients with MS Was used as a data collection tool. Following gathering data in the pre-test stage, the steps of collaborative caring model (Motivation, Readying, Involvement and Evaluation) were implemented for case group for three months. The post-test was carried out one month after the intervention. The obtained data were analyzed by SPSS version-19 and inferential statistical tests (T-test, Repeated measures, and Mc Nemar's test).
Results: Subsequent to the intervention, case group had a better lifestyle; and data analysis between two groups showed a significant difference between the means of lifestyle score in all dimensions except the sleep dimension (p?0. 016).
Conclusion: The results showed effectiveness of collaborative care model to improve lifestyle of patients with MS; therefore this model can apply by health staff to improve the lifestyle of patients with MS.
Keywords: Collaborative Care Model, Lifestyle, Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

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