Different features of Multiple Sclerosis disease among men and women in Ahvaz, Iran


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How To Cite Different features of Multiple Sclerosis disease among men and women in Ahvaz, Iran. Jundishapur J Chronic Dis Care. 2012;1(2): 23-29. 


Introduction: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common diseases of central nervous system. Being chronic, having no certain cure, the nature of progressive of disease, the plight of the disease in youth and increasing number of patients with MS, explain that paying attention to this disease is essential. This study aimed to compare the different featres of MS disease between men and women in Ahvaz, Iran.
Materials & Methods: In this descriptive study, 180 patients with MS (90 men, 90 women) who reffered to Ahvaz MS clinic in 2011 were enrolled. Data was collected by a questionnaire. Patients were selected randomly among all MS patients who had medical records in MS clinic. Data were analyzed with SPSS ver 18 and descriptive and analytical statistics including Chi-Square and Independent t-test were used for statistical purposes.
Results: Mean age of participants was 37.8 yrs. Most male participants (61.1%) were employed and 38.9% were unemployed. Numbness and visual problems were the most common presenting symptoms of the disease. Over the past year, the average number of attacks inpatients was 1.2.Cinnovex and Betaferon were the medicines which were most used by patients.
Conclusion: According to results, disease was started about age of 30 and 9.38% of male patients lost their work due to multiple sclerosis, these two factors, namely multiple sclerosis and unemployment may affect other aspects of patient's lives. In order to evaluate patients for mention above factors to a greater extent considering further research is vital for others related important life style features to improve patients' health.
Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis; Effective factors; Features of disease

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