Optimal Response to Insulin therapy for Control of Panic Symptoms in a Diabetic Patients: A case report


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How To Cite Optimal Response to Insulin therapy for Control of Panic Symptoms in a Diabetic Patients: A case report. Jundishapur J Chronic Dis Care. 2012;1(2): 54-58. 


Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic medical disease in which self- management through a social support network for good prognosis is necessary. Anxiety and depression in people with diabetes are much more common in the healthy population. Panic anxiety disorder is also more common in people with diabetes than in non-patient population. Panic attacks worsen diabetes for different reasons. Not paying attention to the presence of anxiety disorder can have a detrimental effect on the treatment trend. The following case report deals with optimal control on diabetes mellitus by a successful treatment for panic attacks.
Case report: A 45-year-old woman who had a history of diabetes from eight years ago, and was treated with insulin since two years ago, and was hospitalized because of lack of blood sugar control despite taking insulin. In the psychiatric interview with patient, depressive symptoms were found. The patient also complained of dyspnea attacks, which happened at different times of day and night and had the characteristics of panic attacks and consequently and consequently, patient imagining low blood sugar, took sugary drinks and sweets. Given the age of the patient, organic matters were considered, and recommendations were to be treated with clonazepam and citalopram. The patient was released in on the 7th day with suitable general conditions and without any asthma, of course, she was recommended to take psychiatric medications and insulin as well as to visit the clinic of psychiatry and endocrinology.
Conclusions:simultaneous signs of the weakness, appetite disturbance, and autonomic nervous system stimulation, even in the absence of the patient's complaints about psychiatric problems, the respectful internal and general practitioners must consider psychiatric counseling.
Keywords: Anxiety; diabetes mellitus; panic attack; case study

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