Efficiency evaluation of Zinc and Nickel removal through coagulation and flocculation process using chitosan


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How To Cite Efficiency evaluation of Zinc and Nickel removal through coagulation and flocculation process using chitosan. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2014;5(1): 452-459. 



The release of large quantities of zinc(Zn) and nickel(Ni) into the natural environment cause some environmental problems. The aim of this research was investigation the effect of chitosan biopolymer as a natural fluctuant in order to remove Zn2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solutions.

Material and methods:

Experiment in batch system as the half experiment study with change in effective parameters such as pH (6-9), dose of coagulant (10-100 mg/l), settling time and initial amount of metal was investigated.


Results of this study showed that Zn2+ and Ni2+ removal increases with pH increases. The optimal amount of coagulant used for this study was defined between 60 - 100 mg / l respectively. So the results of this study also showed that initial concentration of metal had inverse relation with Zn and Ni removal efficiencies in coagulation and flocculation processes.


The release of large quantities of zinc(Zn) and nickel(Ni) into the natural environment cause some environmental problems. The aim of this research was investigation the effect of chitosan biopolymer as a natural fluctuant in order to remove Zn2+ and Ni2+ from aqueous solutions.

Material and methods:

Experiment in batch system as the half experiment study with change in effective parameters such as pH (6-9), dose of coagulant (10-100 mg/l), settling time and initial amount of metal was investigated.


Results of this study showed that Zn2+ and Ni2+ removal increases with pH increases. The optimal amount of coagulant used for this study was defined between 60 - 100 mg / l respectively. So the results of this study also showed that initial concentration of metal had inverse relation with Zn and Ni removal efficiencies in coagulation and flocculation processes.

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