The protection knowledge and performance of Radiographers in some hospitals of Ahvaz County


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How To Cite The protection knowledge and performance of Radiographers in some hospitals of Ahvaz County. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2013;4(5): 405-412. 



Diagnostic radiology is the process of obtaining a high-quality image while minimizing the doses received by patients. Radiographers knowledge of protection and safety principles and their correct application plays a significant role in radiation protection. Hence, this study aims to evaluate the radiographers protection and safety knowledge, attitude and practice in the radiology wards at several hospitals in Ahvaz County.

Material and methods:

This study is a descriptive and cross-sectional one conducted using an observation checklist and a scientific questionnaire, respectively by the researcher and radiographers to evaluate the protection and safety practice and knowledge of radiographers in some selected hospitals in Ahvaz County. The collected data were analyzed, using the SPSS version 20, through descriptive statistics, independent t-test, Pearson correlation test and analysis of variance.


A significant correlation exists between radiographers educational level and their protection and safety knowledge and practice. The results shows a significant difference between the protection and safety knowledge among radiographers in the selected hospitals as well as in their attitude and practice. It was also revealed that there exist a shortage of lead apron (29%) and a low level of its use even when available; the gonad and thyroid shield and lead partition for mobile radiology were not used at all.

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