The health beliefs and home remedies of the Turkmen people for dysmenorrhea


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How To Cite The health beliefs and home remedies of the Turkmen people for dysmenorrhea. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2012;2(4): 157-165. 



Using home remedies has a long history among many of ethnic groups. The Turkmen people have their own special home remedies too. The aim of this research was to study beliefs and behaviors of the Turkmen people of Golestan province about dysmenorrhea remedies.

Material and methods:

In this micro-medical ethnography study using purposeful sampling, the semi-structured interviews conducted with 50 traditional healers and elderly people. The observation also used as gathering tool. All of the interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim, coded and categorized.


The informants believed dysmenorreah as a sign of physical health and reproduction which removes dirty blood from body. Herbal medicine, special foods with butter, egg and cane, using a necklace made of stone were some of common remedies to relife dysmenorrheal. Avoid of shower and baths also were one of prominent behavior during this period.

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