Evaluating the correlation between quality of work Life and staff burnout in Rehabilitation and Welfare centers in Ahvaz city


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How To Cite Evaluating the correlation between quality of work Life and staff burnout in Rehabilitation and Welfare centers in Ahvaz city. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2013;4(5): 345-353. 



Human resources are the most valuable resources in health services organizations. Since the rehabilitation employees play an important role in providing, maintaining, and improving the health of vulnerable groups in society, the investigation about the performance of these employees is a fundamental priority. The present study examined the correlation between staff burnout and quality of working life in rehabilitation centers in Ahvaz.

Material and methods:

This descriptive-analytic study was conducted among 178 full-time employees from rehabilitation centers in Ahvaz with at least one year of work experience in 2010. For data collection, demographic information questionnaire, Maslach Burnout questionnaire, and Walton Quality of Life questionnaire were applied. The data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation Coefficient.


The Results showed that 5.6% of employees had high and 79.8% moderate quality of life. Among the indicators of quality of working life, "individual rights" with 16.9 in the highest occupational status and "social relationships" with mean of 7.16 were in the lowest position. The Emotional exhaustion in 51.7% of employees was at a low level, and 78.6% of the employees showed high levels of depersonalization. About 99.4% of subjects had high level of lack of personal success. According to the findings, the "quality of life" showed an inverse correlation with emotional exhaustion dimension (-0.48). There was also a significantly inverse correlation between depersonalization and quality of working life (-0.35).

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