Active phase length and related effective factors for admitted women in 22 Bahman Hospital, Masjid Solaiman, Iran, 2012


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How To Cite? Active phase length and related effective factors for admitted women in 22 Bahman Hospital, Masjid Solaiman, Iran, 2012. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2013;4(4): 327-332. 



The changes in the active phase length may lead to dangerous consequences for the mother as well as the baby. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the effective factors related to the length of active phase in women who admitted in 22 Bahman Hospital in Masjid Solayman, Iran.

Material and methods:

A crosssectional study was carried out on 390 women in the reproductive age who admitted in to 22 Bahman hospital in Masjid Solayman, Iran. during four months, 2011-2012. The inclusion criteria were, singleton fetus, normal vaginal delivery and term pregnancy. Data were collected using a questionnaire, a check list and cornometer. Data was analysed using Mann-Whitney and Independent t-test.


was 3.14 hours and in the multiparous women was 2.18 hours. The length of active phase was significantly related to premature ruptured membrane in the nuliparous women (p<0.001), the time of placenta expulsion (p-0.02). Whereas, in the multiparous women the length of active phase was significantly related to the premature ruptured membrane (p=0.006), placenta abruption (p=0.04), perticipated delivery (p=0.04) and uterineatony (p=0.01).

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