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Jentashapir Journal of Cellular and Molecular Biology
This study investigated the anti-inflammatory effect of Fumaria Parviflora due to its Fumaric acid, flavonoid and phenolic compounds for skin diseases, relieves itching and eczema.
Male wistar rats (ranging 150-180g in weight) were used. For preparation of the hydro alcoholic extract, Plant powdered were macerated in ethanol 70%, then extract were concentrated for further use. Five treatment Animal groups received dose of 200, 400, 600, 800 or 1000 mg/kg of Fumaria Parviflora extract, Positive control group received a dose of 300 mg/kg aspirin and negative control group received serum physiology solution with dose of 5 ml/kg via intra-peritoneal injection of traits. After half an hour, 100 micro liters of carageenan 1%was subcutaneously injected into the rats paw and then the volume of the rats paws were evaluated using PLethysmometer apparatus.once every hours between the first and fifth hours
200 and 400 mg/kg doses of extract had less effect on decreasing the paws edema in comparison with animal group received aspirin (p<0.05). However, dose of 600, 800 and 1000 mg/kg of the extract had more effects on decreasing the paws edema, but difference between two groups is not statistically significant (p>0.05).
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