Relationship between burnout and public health in Abadan high schools teachers in 2011


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How To Cite Relationship between burnout and public health in Abadan high schools teachers in 2011. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2013;4(2): 159-169. 



One of the main job problems, which usually can be seen pressures of job among human organizational service workers, is burnout phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceived levels of relationship between burnout and the public health for teacher working in Abadan high schools.

Material and methods:

this is a descriptive cross - sectional study that sampling method was conducted using Size Cluster system. The. A total of 120 teachers working in Abadan high schools male (n=37) female (n=83) Comprised this study groups for the current investigation. Data were collected from three demographic questionnaires and the Maslach Burnout Inventory General Health Goldberg was formed. Data analysis was done using SPSS-17 software.


In this study, 69.2% female, 95 % married, and 81.7 % had a bachelor's degree. The results showed that burnout scores in the areas of emotional exhaustion 8.916.75, depersonalization 2.569.07 and the personal success of 37.359.57 and the mean score of General Health of teachers 16.428.25 respectively. Between gender (P<0.01) and marital status (P<0.05) there was a significant association of depersonalization. Between age and emotional exhaustion (P<0.01) and depersonalization (P<0.05) was correlated to general health, but the results showed that there is no significant relationship between general health of teachers with the variables such as: age, sex and marital status.

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