The Case Study of Effect of Hospital Information System in Improvement of Razi Hospital Performance


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How To Cite The Case Study of Effect of Hospital Information System in Improvement of Razi Hospital Performance. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2012;2(4): 185-190. 



The effective role of using hospital information system in improving the quality of medical services, increasing satisfaction and improvement of treatment economic is undeniable. As for the role of hospital information system on informing health care providers and hospital managers, the aim of this research was to identifying it's abilities and determining the effects it has on hospitals performances.

Material and methods:

This study was an applied research done by analytic method. Data gathering was performed by observing the Razi hospital medical record department and records review and statistics analysis. Data analysis carried out by descriptive statistic and t-test. The research population includes only one hospital in Ahvaz.


By using hospital information system, the total cost mean of diseases increased (27.41%).The mean of patient's length of stay in both manual system and HIS was paralleled. bed occupancy percentage hadnt major change.

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