Assessment of effect of mother consulting on weighting of low birth weight neonate


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How To Cite Assessment of effect of mother consulting on weighting of low birth weight neonate. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2012;3(3): 417-426. 



Low birth weight (LBW) is the most common problem that is considered as the only means of measuring the outcome of pregnancy. This research was designed in order to evaluating the effect of mother consulting on weight gain of low birth weight neonate in the educational hospitals of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences in 2011.

Material and methods:

In this study 74 mother of low birth weight neonate with age range of 15 to 45, with literacy, and not addicted, gestational age of 36 weeks or more and newborn with birth weight of 2500 grams or less, without having congenital anomalies or diagnosed disease that had been discharge with her mother and without any contraindication for the breastfeeding, were randomly assigned to two groups, consulting (n=37) and common education (n=37) were placed. In case of hospitalization during the study and if breastfeeding neonate by mother, is impossible, these infants were excluded. Mothers during the five sessions of counseling received necessary training and were controlled infants weight by using Seca scales during the meeting. Scales and questionnaires were used for collecting data and software SPSS- 17 used for data analysis.

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