Formulation of griseofulvin topical gel 0.2% using carbomer 940 and HPMC


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How To Cite Formulation of griseofulvin topical gel 0.2% using carbomer 940 and HPMC. Jentashapir J Cell Mol Biol. 2012;3(2): 322-329. 



The goal of the present study was the preparation and evaluation of griseofulvin topical gel as a drug dosage form with appropriate efficacy and stability.

Material and methods:

To select the best formulation, formulations with different concentration of carbomer and HPMC were evaluated for their appearance. Then evaluated for physicochemical characteristics such as rheologic behavior, viscosity, stability and drug release.


The result showed that the topical gel of griseofulvin prepared with Carbomer 0.5% and HPMC2.5% had good chemical stability, viscosity and drug release. The evaluation of the kinetic of drug release indicated that the formulations containing Carbomer 0.5% and HPMC 2.5% followed zero order release and liner Wagner, respectively. Rheologic data showed that while HPMC gel shows a very mild plastic behavior, Carbomer based gels behave very significantly as a thixotrop pseudo plastic gel.

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