

1. A Low-Cost Digital Vital Signs Capturer for Older Adults: Design, Development, and Implementation

- Leonardo J. Valdivia

- Carolina Del-Valle-Soto

- J. Alberto Del Puerto-Flores

- Kalid Gomez-Aceves

- Sebastian Arrobo-Moncayo

2. Examining the causes and effects of electrode misplacement during electrocardiography: a literature review

- Arron Pearce

3. The effect of nurse empowerment educational program on patient safety culture: a randomized controlled trial

- Maryam Amiri

- Zahra Khademian

- Reza Nikandish

4. Analyzing Human Error in Municipal Water Systems Using Systematic Human Error Reduction and Prediction Approach SHERPA Method

- Behzad Fouladi Dehaghi

- Ali Rastin

- Maryam Malekzadeh

- Leila Ibrarahimi Ghavamabadi

5. Recommendations to prevent nursing errors: Content analysis of semi‐structured interviews with intensive care unit nurses in a developing country

- Sameh Eltaybani

- Mona Abdelwareth

- Nesreen A. Abou‐Zeid

- Nadia Ahmed