Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the relative frequency of Enteroviral meningitis among children referred to Ahvaz Aboozar hospital.
Patients and Methods: 57 Cerebrospinal fluid samples were collected from patients with aseptic meningitis and White Blood Cell (WBC) count of more than 5x106/mm3, Enterovirus RNA was extracted with Roch extraction kit and Enteroviral infection was detected by Revers Transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test.
Results: Enteroviral infection was detected in 34 cases out of 57 patient (59.6 %), 19 patients were younger than 1 year old (55.8 %), 8 cases were between 1 and 2 years (23.5 %) and 7 cases were older than 2 years (20.5 %). The relationship between gender and prevalence was not significant. Most cases were found in winter .
Conclusions: It was shown that human Enterovirus is the major cause of aseptic meningitis in Ahvaz, south west of Iran. The prevalence of Enterovirus infection was considerably high in this region. To decrease prevalence of Enteroviral infection, improved knowledge and personal hygiene is advised.
The data collected in this project assist paediatricians to manage infant gastroenteritis cases more effectively.
Rasti M, Samarbaf-Zadeh AR, Makvandi M, Shamsi-Zadeh A. Relative Frequency of Enteroviruses in Children With Aseptic Meningitis Referred to Aboozar Hospital in Ahvaz. Jundishapur J Mirobiol. 2012;5(3):456-9. DOI: 10.5812/jjm.2359
Human Enterovirus Aseptic Meningitis Reverse Transcreaptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
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