Premenstrual syndrome among single and married women in the city of Eyvan-e-Gharb


avatar Sara Jamali 1 , * , avatar Fariba Karimi 2

Dept. of Psychology, Faculty of Humanity, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Dept. of Counseling and Guidance, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Jamali S, Karimi F. Premenstrual syndrome among single and married women in the city of Eyvan-e-Gharb. J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2015;18(10):e74008.


Background: The premenstrual syndrome is a common problem in women. Because of contradictory findings about the prevalence and role of age and marital status, this syndrome was compared between single and married women.   
Methods: This analytical-descriptive research was carried out upon 230 single and married women in the city of Eyvan-e-Gharb. The premenstrual syndrome questionnaire (Cronbach's alpha reliability=0.88) was used to collect the data.  Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Scheffe’s post hoc tests (P<0.05)
Results: There was a significant difference between the two age groups of single girls (15-28 and 21-28 years old) and the married women (31-38 years old) in terms of the intensity of symptoms. Also, a significant difference was reported between the 15-18 year-old age group and 21-28 year-old girls and 31-38 year-old women. Further, there was a significant difference between the 21-28 year-old girls and 31-38 year-old women.  Prevalence and type of physical and psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome were different in each group. The 21-28 year-old girls, with the mean of 26.87, were reported to have the highest level of premenstrual syndrome symptoms. The 31-38 year-old women, with the mean of 26.8, were ranked second, and the 15-18 year-old girls, with the mean of 20.54, indicated the minimum level of prevalence.
Conclusion: The findings of the current study showed that premenstrual syndrome is a common problem among the girls and women of different age groups, but is lower in 15-18 years age group. It occurs as both physical psychological symptoms in females and disturbs their compatibility.



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