Effect of Meperidine on Lidocaine Induced Auxillary Block in Candidates of Upper Limb Surgery


avatar F Gholami 1 , * , avatar AH Zokaee 1 , avatar AH Hashemiyan 1


How To Cite Gholami F, Zokaee A, Hashemiyan A. Effect of Meperidine on Lidocaine Induced Auxillary Block in Candidates of Upper Limb Surgery. J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2003;6(4):e81160. 


History & Objectives: With respect to the extensive use of local anesthesia , nerve block and considering the local anesthetic effects of meperidine, which has not been used up-to-now, this study was aimed to evaluate the effects of meperidine on lidocaine induced auxillary block, particularly the block length.
Materials & Methods: The subjects of this double-blind clinical trial study included 40 ASA class I and II patients between 15 and 56 which were later divided into two homogenous groups of 20, with the approval of the medical Ethic committee. The subjects in lidocaine group received 40 ml of 1% lidocaine and 0.01 ml/kg normal saline; While the subjects in the other group received 40 ml lidocaine and 0.01 ml/kg equal to 1 mg/kg of meperidine , as an auxillary block solvent , through transarterial technique. The collected data was analyzed by x2 , Fisher exact and student-T-tests.
Results: Data analysis showed the block length in meperidine group(i.e.238.4±67.04 m) was more than that of lidocaine group (166.7±39.6m) which was statistically significant (P<0.001). No statistically significant differences was seen in the onset time of block, block integrity and systemic adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, hypotension, dizziness, arrhytmia and seizure between these groups.
Discussion: This study showed administration of meperidine to lidocaine induced auxillary block prolongs the block length significantly without affecting its onset time and producing systemic problems. Hence the application of this method/technique can be useful in prolonged surgical procedures specifically the emergency cases with relatively contraindicated general anesthesia and in post-operative analgesio after minor surgeries.


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