The hemodynamic effect of captopril on the left to right shunt in VSD


avatar G Solgi 1 , * , avatar Z Jalili 1 , avatar M Masoumi 1 , avatar F Sabzi 1 , avatar M Hemati 1


How To Cite Solgi G, Jalili Z, Masoumi M, Sabzi F, Hemati M. The hemodynamic effect of captopril on the left to right shunt in VSD. J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2003;7(2):e81209. 


Background and Objective : Ventricular septal defect (VSD) is the most common pediatric congenital heart diseass (CHD ). The main complications of  moderate to large size VSD are recurrent respiratory tract infection ,congestive heart failure, Failure to thrive, and  pulmonary hypertension. These complications are the results of     large left to right shut. We evaluated the effect of captopril on moderate to large size VSD.
Material and methods: Twenty patients ( five girls and fifteen boys, mean age  6.5±2.8  years)   were studied .Using a new echocardiographic technique we measured Qp/Qs ratio befor and after treatment with Captopril (3 mg/kg/24hr for three days).  
Results: After treatment with Captopril, Qp/Qs ratio decreased from 2.4 ± 0.59 to 1.7± 0.46 after treatment. Blood pressure decreased from 104±12.mmHg to 83±9 mmhg.(p<0.001)
Discussion:  Captopril can decrease left to right shunt significantly in   patients with moderate to large size VSD .Long term use of captopril may results in clinical improvement and  delay the need for surgical correction .


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