Demographic characteristics and mental state evaluation of attempted suicide victims in tabriz in 2001


avatar H khazaie 1 , * , avatar A Parvizifard 1


How To Cite khazaie H, Parvizifard A. Demographic characteristics and mental state evaluation of attempted suicide victims in tabriz in 2001. J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2003;7(3):e81261. 


background& Objectives :   The epidemiology of suicide plays a  significant role in the identification of mental health in the society.The present study was carried out to determine the demographic characteristics and mental state evaluation among victims with suicidal attempt in tabriz ( in 2001 ) .
Materials and Methods :In this cross - sectional study 301 patients (170 females and 131 males ) who attempted suicide and refered to   two general hospital centers  were selected through convenience sampling and studied by demographic characteristics questionnarire, Structured Clinical Interview and Psychiatric judjment .
Results :The highest rate  of suicide was found among those aged 17-26 years. 80.4% of victimes had a psychiatric disorder. The most common disorders were depressive disorders and adjustment disorder with depressive feature . The most common methods of suicide were   drug overdose (71.1% ) and poisoning (20.60%) . The heighest rate of attempted suicide was found in single persons , house wives and unoemployed persons .
Discussion : Previous and present mental disorders appears to be risk indicators for  suicide and persons who attempt suicide tend to be relatively young .


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