Patient’s Bill of Rights in Kashan's Governmental Hospitals(2003)


avatar F Rangrazjeddi 1 , * , avatar R Rabiee 1


How To Cite Rangrazjeddi F, Rabiee R. Patient’s Bill of Rights in Kashan's Governmental Hospitals(2003). J Kermanshah Univ Med Sci. 2005;9(1):e81522. 


Introduction: The purpose of patient’s Bill of right is to protect patients rights and make sure  that enough care is provided .It makes  a good relationship between patient and care providers as well as improve care quality.This study was carried out in Governmental hospitals of Kashan to determine the patient’s bill of rights' observation by care providers.
Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional  descriptive-analytical study was performed on 320 patients selected by simple random sampling. The data were gathered through questionnaires and direct interview based on US Patients Bill of Rights which is equally applicable to Iranian Society.
Results: The results showed that the patients’ Bill of Right observed in 67.74% of cases. Patients' knowledge regarding diagnosis and treatment procedure 80.72%, considering patients' objection to their treatment & expenses in 23.08%, receiving consent for presence of non-relative persons in time of examination in 21.7% and considering patients willing to be treated and discharged willingly in 53.8%. Statistically significant differences were found between men and women (P<0.0001) and between people under diploma and those of above diploma (P<0.0001).
Conclusion: Based on this research results, the patient’s right did not completely observed in the view point of patients. Therefore giving more information about patient’s right to physicians and patients is recommended.


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