Psychometric Analysis of Persian Version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Children Form (MIQ-C)


avatar Meysam Yavari Kateb 1 , avatar Hassan Gharayagh Zandi 2 , * , avatar Ali Moghadam Zadeh 3

Master's Degree in Sport Psychology, College of Sport Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Yavari Kateb M, Gharayagh Zandi H, Moghadam Zadeh A. Psychometric Analysis of Persian Version of Movement Imagery Questionnaire-Children Form (MIQ-C). J Motor Control Learn. 2019;1(1):e143971. 


Background: Previous studies have shown that Movement Imagery ability is
effective in learning and motor function in the sport as well as in rehabilitation. So,
self-reporting questionnaires have been developed to evaluate the ability of Movement
Imagery in adults (e.g. MIQ-3) to be validated in Iran. There is currently no proper
tool to use for children in Iran.
Objective: To fill this gap, the focus of this study was to examine the functional
structure of the Children's Movement Imagery Questionnaire.
Methods: The statistical population included children from 7 to 12 years old (135
boys, 109 girls) who were selected by random cluster sampling. At first, the
questionnaire was translated into Persian. After necessary corrections, both
exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used
to examine the factor structure.
Results: Exploratory factor analysis showed that the present log consists of three
folded scales and 12 materials that ultimately were tested and validated the threefactor
model through the confirmatory factor analysis. Also, the total reliability for the
factors was calculated by Cronbach's alpha method and equaled with 0.845, which
indicates the reliability of the mentioned logic.
Conclusions: The Persian version of the current questionnaire is recommended to
measure the children Imagery ability, from 7 to 12 years of age in the Persian