Let’s Avoid Confusion in Notation of UCM Synergy Indexes


avatar Mohammad Ali Sanjari 1 , *

Associate Professor of Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Research Center, and Department of Basic Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite Sanjari M A. Let’s Avoid Confusion in Notation of UCM Synergy Indexes. J Motor Control Learn. 2021;3(1):e146403. https://doi.org/10.52547/ijmcl.3.1.1.


Uncontrolled Manifold (UCM) approach has gained a lot of attention in the field of movement variability and related areas of research. The diversity of applications and the need to explore new UCM-based measures along with the advances in mathematical methods in UCM have led to several formulas for UCM outcome measures with different notations and conflicting interpretations. This letter is intended to summarize the most popular indexes while suggesting a unified notation.


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