The Effect of Skill Level on Darts Throwers’ Use of Different Mental Skills


avatar mohammadreza shahabikaseb 1 , * , avatar Linda duffy 2 , avatar Arezoo Mehranian 3 , avatar Alireza Aminaee 4

Assistant Professor in Motor Behavior, Hakim Sabzevari University, Faculty of Sport Science, Sabzevar, Iran
Associate Professor in Psychology, Middlesex University, School of Science and Technology, London, UK
Ph.D. Student in Motor Control, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Ph.D. Student in Motor Control, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

How To Cite shahabikaseb M, duffy L, Mehranian A, Aminaee A. The Effect of Skill Level on Darts Throwers’ Use of Different Mental Skills. J Motor Control Learn. 2020;2(3):e146519.


Background: In recent years sports psychologists, coaches and athletes have paid a greater focus of attention to mental wellbeing and psychological skills. The purpose of this study was to investigate which psychological skills are important to two levels of skills among Darts players, namely; elite and beginner.
Method: The sample consisted of 24 elite and 24 beginner Darts throwers. In order to gain insight into Darts throwing, beginner Darts players attended a national-championship-simulated competition. Both elite and beginner players also completed the Ottawa Mental Skill Questionnaire.
Results: Independent t-test results showed that there was a significant difference just in basic psychiatric skills between the beginner and elite Darts throwers (p<0.05). Nevertheless, there is no statistically significant difference in Ottawa's mental skills, psychosomatic skills and cognitive skills between beginner and elite Darts throwers (p>0.05).  
Conclusion: Results revealed differences between elite and beginner Darts players in foundation mental skills and commitment and mental practice subscales. Furthermore, results showed that for the commitment skill, elite and beginner Darts throwers were at the highest and lowest level respectively.