Effect of folic acid overdose on the histomorphometric indices of pancreatic tissue in NMRI mice embryo


avatar sara rahmani , avatar mehrangiz sadoughi , avatar gholam reza kaka , * , avatar seyed homayoon sadraie , avatar parisa abbasi

how to cite: rahmani S, sadoughi M, kaka G R, sadraie S H, abbasi P. Effect of folic acid overdose on the histomorphometric indices of pancreatic tissue in NMRI mice embryo. koomesh. 2017;19(2):e151079. 


Introduction: Embryonic period is the most sensitive stage of the human life in confronting with taken material by mother. The goal of this study was to evaluate the overdose effect of folic acid on days 8-9-10 gestation on the pancreatic tissue. Materials and Methods: Twenty pregnant mice were equally divided into four groups. The control group received no injection. The sham group received distilled water injection and experimental groups received folic acid in doses of 0.45 µg (1 experimental group = E1) and 0.6 µg (2 experimental group = E2) intra peritoneally on days 8, 9 and 10 of gestation. Results: No significant differences were found in morphological and histological abnormalities among control, sham and experimental groups. The crown-rump length and weight of the fetuses in the E1 group was significantly increased compared to control group.  Morphometric studies of the pancreatic tissue of fetuses revealed the mean area of the pancreas in E1 group which had an insignificance increase in compression with control group.  Percent of the connective tissue, in E2 group, was no significantly increased compared to control group. On the other hand, the percent of the parenchyma in E2 group was no significantly decreased compared to control group. The percent of the islets of Langerhans in E2 group was significantly increased. Percent of Acini in E2 group, significantly decreased compared to control group. Conclusion: It seems that administration of extract of folic acid to pregnant mice cause histological and histomorphometrical changes in the development pancreatic tissue. Therefore, it is recommended to consume this vitamin during pregnancy carefully and also prescribing by a physician


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