Postpartum weight retention and its relation with depression


avatar Hediye Riazi ORCID , * , avatar Hedyeh Riazi , avatar Zohreh Mahmoodi , avatar Nasrin Boroomandnia

how to cite: Riazi H, Riazi H, Mahmoodi Z, Boroomandnia N. Postpartum weight retention and its relation with depression. koomesh. 2017;19(2):e151080. 


Introduction: Postpartum weight retention plays an important role in the development of obesity and its associated health risks in women. The objective of this study was to determine the postpartum weight retention rate and its relationship with postpartum depression. Materials and Methods: An analytical study performed on 309 women, 6 months after childbirth. Data was collected by self-constructed demographic/obstetric characteristics questionnaires and Edinburgh postnatal depression scale. Results: At six months after child birth 83.5% of the women did not achieve pre-pregnancy weight and the average retained weight was 4.04 kg. Forty five point five percent of women faced substantial postpartum weight retention (≥5 kg). Eighteen point one percent of women were at risk of postpartum depression. Based on logistic regression analysis, inadequate sleep (P Conclusion: The results of this research highlight the importance of postpartum weight retention and its role in women’s health. Due to the high levels of postpartum weight retention, the need for specific educational programs about postpartum weight management by healthcare providers is crucial.


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