Combined effect of eight weeks high intensity resistance training with ginger supplementation on waist to hip ratio, body composition and body mass in obese women


avatar madani madani , avatar syed mohsen avandy , * , avatar Rouhollah Haghshenas , avatar Abbas Pakdel

how to cite: madani M, avandy S M, Haghshenas R, Pakdel A. Combined effect of eight weeks high intensity resistance training with ginger supplementation on waist to hip ratio, body composition and body mass in obese women. koomesh. 2017;19(2):e151081. 


Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the effects of eight weeks intensive resistance training combined with the ginger supplement on body composition, waist to hip ratio (WHR) and boday mass index (BMI) in obese women. Materials and Methods: Participants were 18 women (with an average age of 30.11 ± 06.45 years, weight 82.46 ± 12.40 kg, BMI 31.60 ± 03.99 kg per square meter). The participants were split into resistance training + daily Ginger supplements (n=10) and resistance training + placebo (n=8) group randomly. All groups performed high intensity resistance training for eight weeks, three sessions per week (totally 24 sessions). Resistance training per session includes 8 exercise with upper-lower orders and 80-85 percent of 1RM, three set with 20 s rest intervals. Before and after the eight-week training, the examiner administered a protocol to assess body composition using Bioelectrical Impedance BOCAX1. The supplementation group consumed capsules containing ginger supplement (Zintoma Manufacturing Co. Goldaroo) 1000 mg per day in the morning and evening after meal and placebo group received 500 mg of starch in gelatin capsules similar to ginger supplementation in a double blind way. The participants used supplements twice a day (morning and afternoon) after their meals. Results: Comparison of changes in different variables showed that only reductions in weight and fat mass were significantly different between groups. The placebo group had more reduction in their weight and fat mass while ginger plus group showed less reduction. In both groups, other variables showed reductions too but the changes did not reach the significance level (0.05


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