Exploring effective factors in the implementation of neonatal pain management from of nurse’s perspectives in neonatal intensive care unit: a content analysis


avatar nasrin mehrnoush , avatar Tahereh Ashktorab , * , avatar mohammad heidarzadeh , avatar sirous momenzadeh

how to cite: mehrnoush N, Ashktorab T, heidarzadeh M, momenzadeh S. Exploring effective factors in the implementation of neonatal pain management from of nurse’s perspectives in neonatal intensive care unit: a content analysis. koomesh. 2017;19(2):e151083. 


Introduction: Despite growing knowledge about pain assessment and intervention, neonatal infant pain remains a challenge to neonatal care providers because these infants cannot speak and advocate for themselves. The aim of this study was to explore the effective factors in the implementation of neonatal pain management from of nurse’s perspectives in NICU. Materials and Methods: In this qualitative study, a content analysis approach was used. Participants consisted of 25 nurses working in neonatal intensive care unit of Alavi hospital in Ardabil, North east of Iran. Data were collected using four focus group discussions and were analyzed using conventional content analysis. Results: The results of the data analysis eventually led to the creation of two abstract themes that were effective for pain management. The two themes “Individual Factors” and “Organizational Factors” were introduced. First theme contains categories of “Knowledge of the personnel” and “Attitude of the personnel” and the second theme include “Policy of pain control”, “Working conditions of nurse ” and “Management performance” Conclusion: The findings of this research indicate that the implementation of neonatal pain management has been affected by the problems and obstacles that are not a priority in the field of study about pain management Therefore there is a need for strategies to reduce or remove these barriers


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