Effect of sensory stimulation on respiratory function of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation


avatar Mohsen Soleimani , avatar Saeid Heidari , avatar Farhad Malek , * , avatar Raheb Ghorbani ORCID

how to cite: Soleimani M, Heidari S, Malek F, Ghorbani R. Effect of sensory stimulation on respiratory function of patients undergoing mechanical ventilation. koomesh. 2017;19(2):e151096. 


Introduction: Improving the respiratory function of patients for weaning Mechanical Ventilation (MV) is one of the caring challenges in critical care settings. The aim of this study was to eamine the effect of sensory stimulation on respiratory function of patients with MV. Materials and Methods: This pilot study is a quasi-experimental study that performed on 30 patients undergoing MV which selected with available sampling in intensive care units in Kashan. After recording demographic parameters and physiologic variables, sensory stimulation program was performed for 25 minutes in the morning by companion of the patient. Then respiratory and physiologic parameters of patients were measured immediately and one hour after intervention. Results: Findings showed that mean age of patients were 57.1±19.5 years and mean of days for MV was 5.7±4.4 days. In the most of patients (66.6%) MV was used because of respiratory failure. Sensory stimulation was significantly increased respiratory rate, minute ventilation, heart rate, oxygen saturation and systolic blood pressure (P0.05). Notably, the respiratory and physiologic parameters were declined  one hour after the sensory stimulation. Conclusion:  Sensory stimulation could be use for driving respiratory center in patients undergoing MV but did not affect on weaning indices. We suggested more study to evaluation the sensory stimulation on preparation of patients with MV for weaning in a long time


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