Role of counseling and nursing care services centers in reduceing work lads of hospitals,: A qualitative study


avatar Sefollah Alaei , avatar Fatemeh Alhani ORCID , * , avatar Hassan Navipour

how to cite: Alaei S, Alhani F, Navipour H. Role of counseling and nursing care services centers in reduceing work lads of hospitals,: A qualitative study. koomesh. 2017;19(2):e151101. 


Introduction: Despite the development of hospitals in recent years, there is a gap between the number of hospital beds in our country and standard number of hospital beds, and they are faced with increased workload. The aim of this study is to explain the role of counseling centers and nursing services in reducing the workload of hospitals. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted using qualitative method. The main research participants were managers of counseling and nursing care services Centers. Purposive and theoretical sampling was used in this study. In total, 26 managers of various centers and institutions providing health care services, physicians, and clients were interviewed. Data were analyzed using content analysis. Results: The final research findings emerged on three main themes "outpatient care of patients at home", "decreased care coverage of acute patients at home", "limited cooperation in the care of hospitalized patients" with several subcategories. Conclusion:  Providing community-based services, particularly providing care for critically ill patients hospitalized at home has been reduced in recent years, and large part of this care is transferred again to the hospital. Therefore, it is necessary to revise the executive programs to develop interactive work and regulated the relationship between counseling and nursing care services Centers and hospitals


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