Relationship between sensory processing and motor skills in children with cerebral palsy


avatar Zahra Ahmadizadeh , avatar Maryam Mokhlesin , * , avatar Masomeh Rasolzadeh , avatar Maryam Yaghobi , avatar Faranak Nobariyan

How To Cite Ahmadizadeh Z, Mokhlesin M, Rasolzadeh M, Yaghobi M, Nobariyan F. Relationship between sensory processing and motor skills in children with cerebral palsy. koomesh. 2016;18(2):e151138. 


Introduction: Although movement disorders and abnormal postural are the main features of children with cerebral palsy but many of them have sensory problems too, so the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between sensory process and motor skills in children with cerebral palsy. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study, 56 children with cerebral palsy aged 5 to 10 were studied. The gross motor function was assessed using the gross motor function classification system, manual ability was assessed using manual ability classification system, intensity of spasticity was evaluated using modified ashworth scale and sensory process was assessed by sensory profile questionnaire. Results: The results of this study showed that the gross motor function and manual ability of children with cerebral palsy are related to low muscle tone and tolerance, poor sensory registration, and sedentary, significantly. Findings also demonstrated a significant relationship between manual ability and oral sensory sensitive in children with cerebral palsy (p


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