The relationship between sleep quality in patients’ undergoing hemodialysis at different therapeutic’ shifts


avatar Zaynab Hydarinia Naieni , avatar Raheb Ghorbani ORCID , avatar Monir Nobahar ORCID , *

how to cite: Hydarinia Naieni Z, Ghorbani R, Nobahar M. The relationship between sleep quality in patients’ undergoing hemodialysis at different therapeutic’ shifts. koomesh. 2016;18(1):e151144. 


Introduction: Many hemodialysis patients suffer from poor sleep quality. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between therapeutic;#39 hemodialysis shifts with sleep quality in patients;#39 undergoing hemodialysis. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study and participants were selected by available method, including 90 hemodialysis patients in Semnan who were undergoing hemodialysis in fixed morning, evening or night shifts for at least 3 months. Inclusion criteria included age over 18 years and hemodialysis 2-3 times per week for 3 hours or more per session. Sleep quality was assessed by Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). Results: In this study 54.4% of participants were male and the rest were female. Patients (33.3%) had good sleep quality and 66.7% had low sleep quality. Variable analysis showed a significant correlation between quality of sleep and sex (P = 0.01), marital status (P = 0.009), number of children (P=0.012) and dialysis;#39 shift (P = 0.003). The effect of simultaneously variables in the logistic regression showed that the risk of low sleep quality in women versus men was 3.75/1, evening;#39 versus morning shifts was 5.25/1 and night;#39 versus morning shift was 4.13/1. Also, for each additional offspring, the risk of low sleep quality was increased to 1.33/1. Conclusion: Findings in this study showed that sleep quality in patients that are hemodialyzed in morning shift was significantly better that the other shifts. These findings may help for arranging the situation to choose the most appropriate therapeutic shift for hemodialysis patients, especially for those who suffer from poor quality sleep.


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